Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sic semper grammatis -- [Sic]

sic (sik) verb tr.
To incite to attack, especially as a command to dog: "Sic 'em!" [Variant of seek.]

sic (sik) adverb
Thus; so. (From Latin sic, meaning "thus") Used, usually in brackets, after an incorrect or unusual word or phrase to indicate that it has been quoted verbatim, or, in plain English, to say, "We know it's wrong."
"Sic semper tyrannis," proclaimed John Wilkes Booth from the stage of Ford's Theatre after shooting Abraham Lincoln. [Booth's words mean "Thus always to tyrants." They are also the state motto of Virginia. While we're "sempering," the Marine motto semper fidelis, as most of us probably know, means "always faithful."]

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