Saturday, June 29, 2024

Atomic Masters Win 12 Medals at SE Regionals


Months of focused training under Oak Ridge Rowing Association Athletics Director Lisa Glenn paid off on June 22-23 at the USRowing Southeast Masters Regional Championships in Aiken, South Carolina, as 14 Atomic masters competed in 16 events and won five gold, two silver and five bronze medals. 

“We have a group of men and women who love to train together and had a great time spending the weekend racing together,” said Glenn. “That’s the most important part.”

Alisa Hobbs rowed the recently christened single scull Erin Marie to gold in the women’s AA (21-26-year-old) category. “Winning gold in with the pink single boat was a reflection of countless hours of dedication, resilience, and love for the sport,” said Hobbs, a junior at Barry University. “Every stroke taken was a step closer to the finish line and the realization of a dream.”

The other gold winners were the mixed 8+ C (43-49), Maxi Frank and Jen Bon in the women’s double B (36-42), Terry Ashworth and Rhonda Bostick in the mixed double G (65-69), and Nick Lavrik and Cathy Dowhos-O’Gorman in the mixed double F (60-64). “It was my fourth race during the two-day regatta,” said Lavrik, a staff scientist at ORNL. “But despite the afternoon heat and a bit of fatigue, it was a very enjoyable experience. It was such a delight to row and race in a double with my partner Cathy!” 

Silvers came in the men’s 4+ B (36-42) and men’s 2x A (27-35).

Juliet Fuselier won bronze in the women’s novice D (50-54) single. The other bronzes were in women’s 4+ B, women’s quad C, women’s double A and men’s quad B.

“Atomic coaches Scott Charette, Jake Brock and Maddy Horridge have done a terrific job of building up our Masters Group and sharing their knowledge and love of the sport with them,” said Glenn. “We are excited to turn our focus to summer rowing which leads to fall racing.  We’re also happy to welcome new rowers - both beginners and experienced - into our Atomic community.”

Want to row with Atomic?  Contact Glenn at

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